Podcast Category

Karl Abraham: Life and Work, a Biography

Karl Abraham: Life and Work, a Biography is the first complete biography of Karl Abraham (1877-1925), a close colleague and friend of Sigmund Freud and one of the most important pioneers of psychoanalysis. Join us for a drinks reception launching the publication, followed by a talk by the author, Anna Bentinck van Schoonheten introduced by Professor Brett Kahr.

On Not Being Terrified of What you Hear

Hearing voices has been described as everything from schizophrenic to godlike. Radical psychiatry in the 1960s contested what today are termed 'auditory hallucinations' seeing them as containing what couldn't be said

Conference- The Effectiveness of Symbols

This conference brings together eminent speakers from the fields of psychoanalysis and anthropology to reflect on Lévi-Strauss’ paper and its influence, and to discuss symbolic effectiveness in their own research and practice.

Conference: Sincerity and Freedom in Psychoanalysis

A major international conference on the Clinical Diary and other work of Sándor Ferenczi, addressing themes of ‘freedom’ and ‘sincerity’, ‘trauma’, ‘borderline states’, ‘mutuality’, ‘self-analysis’ and the ethics of psychoanalysis.