- This event has passed.

All attendees will be sent a unique link to join the live event and the recording 24 hours after the event, available for 1 month. It will take place over 2 days: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd April 2022, 2pm-5pm BST on each day. Please check the time difference if you are not in the same time zone as UK.
“Everybody’s a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We’re all trying to experiment to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos.”David Cronenberg
Canadian director David Cronenberg is a pioneer and master of the body horror sub-genre. His films explore gory mutations, deadly viruses, sinister technology, and the interweaving of psychological processes with the physical dimension.
In this course, we will trace and interpret an iconic Cronenbergian theme: protagonists trying to subvert lack of control via strategies of containment including paraphilias, extreme violence, disease, and abject corporeal transformations.
Advance viewing is optional. Brief film scenes will be shown during the course.
Session 1
- Rabid (1977)
- The Brood (1979)
Viggo Mortensen as Sigmund Freud, ‘A Dangerous Method‘ (2011)
- Scanners (1981)
- The Dead Zone (1983)
- Videodrome (1983)
- The Fly (1986)
Session 2
- Dead Ringers (1988)
- Crash (1996)
- A History of Violence (2005)
- Eastern Promises (2007)
- A Dangerous Method (2011)
- Cosmopolis (2012)
PROJECTIONS is psychoanalysis for film interpretation. PROJECTIONS empowers film spectators to express subjective associations they consider to be meaningful. Expertise in psychoanalytic theory is not necessary – the only prerequisite is the desire to enter and inhabit the imaginary world of film, which is itself a psychoanalytic act. MARY WILD (@psycstar), a Freudian cinephile from Montreal, is the creator of PROJECTIONS.
BURSARY – There are a limited number of bursary places available for £15. Priority will be given to UK unemployed and PIP/ESA claimants. Please apply here.