Broadcast 18 March, 2023. ______________________________________________________________________
This conference features some of the world’s leading thinkers and clinical practitioners working with individuals and in communities experiencing shame. It follows the publication of ‘Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle’ (Palgrave Macmillan 2022), edited by Roman Gerodimos. This conference will explore the following questions:
-What is the role of shame as a driver of polarisation, aggression and violence, from the micro level of the individual to the macro level of societies?
-What are the psychosocial drivers of shame, and what are its clinical, social and political manifestations and effects?
-How important is gender in the shame/violence dynamic?
-What are the challenges facing practitioners working with patients – children, young people, offenders – experiencing catastrophic levels of shame?
-How can we use shame theory in practice to break the vicious cycle of trauma and violence?
-What is Shame/Violence Intervention? What is shame-sensitive practice? What therapeutic approaches are available to us to address shame-related trauma?
1. Roundtable on Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory
Chair: Gabriella Braun
Roman Gerodimos, Jonathan Asser, Candida Yates, Barry Richards
2. Interdisciplinary Applications
Chair: Nini Fang
Liz Frost- Shame in social work
Luna Dolezal- Shame Competence: Why We Need to Understand Shame and Its Effects
3. Therapeutic Approaches
Chair: Marylin Charles
Aileen Allen- Shame and its role in black identity wounding
James Gilligan- Shame: Constructive and Destructive
Click here for speakers’ biographies
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