PROJECTIONS: The Uncanny in Cinema [Livestream/recording access]
Online course with Mary Wild on 17, 18, and 19 July, 2-4pm (BST)
PROJECTIONS: Psychoanalysing the film trilogies of Lars von Trier
Online course with Mary Wild
PROJECTIONS: Sofia Coppola – The Cinema of Loneliness [Livestream]
Online course with Mary Wild on 5, 6, and 7 June, 2-4pm (BST)
PROJECTIONS: David Lynch’s Blurred Identity Trilogy [Livestream]
Livestreamed course with Mary Wild.
SOLD OUT – PROJECTIONS: Psychoanalytic Investigation of The Joker [Livestream]
Course with Mary Wild dedicated to iconic representations of The Joker on television and in film.
PROJECTIONS: Women directors representing mental illness
Intensive day course with Mary Wild.
Sold out – PROJECTIONS: David Lynch – Cinema’s Uncanny Master
Intensive day course with Mary Wild
PROJECTIONS: The Uncanny in Cinema
An intensive one day course that will explore the uncanny through the medium of film. Part of 'The Uncanny: A Centenary' events series
PROJECTIONS: Psychopathology
A day course focusing on representations of mental illness in films directed by women.
PROJECTIONS: Eros/Thanatos
A day course focusing on the life/death drives in films by women.