All images are copyright Freud Museum London.
- 4866 Colour woodblock print of Mount Fuji by Yoshida Hiroshi
- 6464 Painting of wolves sitting in a tree by Sergei Pankejeff
- 6468 ‘My Dream’ by Sergei Pankejeff
- 6404 Drawings by Wilhelm Busch
- 6395 Etching of Menassah ben Israel by Rembrandt
- 4847 Original etching of Sphinx at Giza by Hugo Ulbrich
- 4845 Engraving of “Abschied vom Kosmos” [1869] by Wilhelm von Kaulbach
- 4834 Photograph of Jean-Martin Charcot
- 5009 Print of the cartoon of “The Virgin and the Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist ” by Leonardo de Vinci
- 4868 Oil painting of water wheel by Emil Jakob Schindler
- 4864 Portrait of Sigmund Freud by Ferdinand Schmutzer
- 4378 Print of “Une leçon clinique du Dr. Charcot à la Salpêtrière” by E. Pirodon
- 3979 Etching of “The Jews in the Synagogue” by Rembrandt
- 3980 Print of Der Felsentempel von Abu Simbel by Hanfstaengel, after a painting by Ernst Koerner
- 3981 Etching of Roman Forum by Luigi Kasimir