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History of psychoanalysis in Latin America or history of Latin American psychoanalysis? Some historiographic reflections.
The talk will focus on the recovery of some aspects of the social and cultural history of psychoanalysis in Latin America during the first half of the 20th century. Based on different testimonies – among them the correspondence and exchanges of Sigmund Freud with some intellectuals and early adherents – it will seek to show the particularities of the modes of reception and use of Freud’s ideas in this part of the world, today central to psychoanalysis worldwide.
This talk will be given in English. Click here for the Spanish version [seminario web en Español] on 23 October 2020.
Mariano Ruperthuz is a Psychoanalyst (Sociedad Chilena Psicoanálisis-ICHPA) and historian. He has a Doctorate in Psychology (University of Chile) and a Doctorate in History (University of Santiago de Chile). He is an Academic and Researcher at the Andrés Bello University, Chile and visiting Researcher of the Program of Post-Graduação em História das Ciências e da Saúde da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz” (COC- Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro). He is author of the book Freud y los chilenos (Pólvora, 2016) and co-author with Mariano Ben Plotkin of Estimado Dr. Freud. Una historia cultural del psicoanálisis en América Latina(Edhasa, 2017). He is Principal Researcher of the FONDECYT Regular Project 1190226. He is a member of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA).