This learning session examines schizophrenia from a psychoanalytic perspective.
Format: Zoom meeting OR in-person session
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: £150 (in person, plus admission)* / £100 (online)**
Suitability: KS5, HE***
Availability: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays
* in-person sessions can be booked as part of a learning visit
** reductions available for multiple classes
*** can be tailored to KS4 and HE students
Session description
Sigmund Freud didn’t think it was possible, but many psychoanalysts today work with psychotic patients.
This webinar is an opportunity to hear from a subject expert with several years’ clinical experience working psychoanalytically with psychosis.
In this session:
- Causes and characteristics of schizophrenia
- The triggering of an acute psychotic crisis
- Hallucinations and delusions
- Stabilisation and the role of therapy
- Plenty of time for discussion and debate!
Made to measure!
‘Schizophrenia’ has been devised as an enrichment session for A Level Psychology students, but can be tailored for KS4 and HE students, either as an introduction to the topic or to consolidate classroom learning.
We use a flexible format and adjust each session to the interests and abilities of each group. Let us know your requirements when you book!