Keeping Schtum – a secret history of Jewish football
This talk unravels the secret history of Jewish football in the UK, Europe and beyond, showing that the game’s transformation would not have been possible without such Jewish Sports Legends as Louis Bookman, Harry Morris, Leslie Goldberg, Mark Lazarus and Morris Keston.
‘Missing Out’ Author’s Talk: Adam Phillips with Lisa Appignanesi
Adam Phillips discusses missing out, frustration, satisfaction and the many wishes and wants in-between with Lisa Appignanesi, author of 'All About Love' (Virago) and Chair of the Freud Museum.
‘Memoir’ Eva Hoffman and Sathnam Sangera in conversation with Sue Cowan-Jenssen
Eva Hoffman and Sathnam Sangera discuss their autobiographical texts with Sue Cowan-Jenssen.
Fashion and Psychoanalysis: Styling the Self
By interpreting fashion within a psychoanalytic frame, Bancroft illustrates how fashion articulates some of the essential, and sometimes frightening, truths about the body, femininity and the self.
In Treatment: Fact and Fiction
Join Granta at the Freud Museum for readings and conversation that probe the wild and unpredictable landscapes of the mind
Projections: David Lynch’s Blurred Identity Trilogy
Making sense of David Lynch's films can be a daunting task! The following films by David Lynch have captivated and mystified audiences around the world; Freudian psychoanalysis offers a chance to decipher the American director's luxurious cinematic dreamscapes.
Mark the Music: Jews, Music and Viennese Modernity
This lecture will look at this world from the perspectives of Jews from Herzl to Freud to Mahler and ask why Jews were both welcomed into the musical world and yet were never quite at home in it. 'Mark the Music' is a means of understanding modern Jewish cultural sensibilities in a hostile cultural environment.
All About Love – What Can Psychoanalysis Tell Us?
Lisa Appignanesi and Susie Orbach tease out some of the muddles and meanings of love in our lives and times - in this special conversation for the Freud Museum.
Photography and Freud: From Roma-Amor to Erotic Saturn
In the period from Freud's childhood to his old-age ruminations, several kinds of photographs were prominent: portraits, psychiatric illustrations, archaeological photography, and ethnographic documentation. These images along with the erotic photography and films of the era, that Mary Bernstein will introduce, paralleled the phenomena of Freudian memories and dreams.