The Private Life: Why we Remain in the Dark
Drawing on a dizzying array of characters and concerns, from John Milton and Henry James to Katie Price and Snoopy, from philosophy and the Bible to pornography and late-night TV, The Private Life weaves a richly personal tapestry of ideas and experience.
Sites of the Unconscious
In this groundbreaking study, Andreas Mayer reexamines the relationship between hypnosis and psychoanalysis
The Psychodynamics of Social Networking
A collaboration between The Relational School and The Freud Museum London, exploring the impact that social networking has had on our society and how it is profoundly influencing our lives.
Conference: Wagner, Freud and the End of Myth
Freud once asserted that his intention was to re-interpret myths and stories as products of the inner world, and thus ‘transform metaphysics into metapsychology’. But had Wagner got there before him?
Whistleblowers: Political and Psychological Perspectives
The Political Consequences of Dissent- Prof. Gavin MacFadyen
The Psychological Consequences of Political and Social Disclosure- David Morgan
The German Soul and Psyche in The Third Reich
The Third Reich Source Book will appear this summer with the University of California Press. It is the most extensive collection of primary documents on the Third Reich ever made available to English readers. It also presents for the first time primary materials on the struggle over the meaning of the psyche and the legacy of psychoanalysis under Hitler.
Self Contained: Graham Music and Maria Walsh in conversation with Rebecca Fortnum
Consultant Child Psychotherapist Dr Graham Music and critic Dr Maria Walsh, author of 'Art and Psychoanalysis', in conversation with the artist Rebecca Fortnum. The event is is part of our current exhibition 'Self Contained' by Rebecca Fortnum.
Projections: Psychoanalytic interpretation of Polanski’s Apartment Trilogy
'Projections' is psychoanalysis for film interpretation. 'Projections' empowers film spectators to express subjective associations they consider to be meaningful.
Doing Psychoanalysis in Tehran
Is psychoanalysis possible in the Islamic Republic of Iran? This is the question that Gohar Homayounpour poses to herself, and to us, at the beginning of this memoir of displacement, nostalgia, love, and pain.