Furniture Moves Memory
The Journeys of Anna Freud's Alpine Furniture in conjunction with the Austrian Cultural Forum
Freud, Sexuality and Antiquity – Dr Daniel Orrells
How and why did Freud's interest in Greek myth emerge out of the obscene sexual Latin of Richard von Krafft-Ebing's 1886 book Psychopathia Sexualis, the most famous work of sexology in the nineteenth century?
The Unheimlich and Consciousness in Art
Building on research from my recent book Art and the Home: Comfort, Alienation and the Everyday, this talk will consider how post-war sculptors have addressed ideas of the domestic uncanny.
Lament: Bettina von Zwehl in conversation with Josh Cohen
Lament is a new publication by Art/Books, which features two series of images by artist Bettina von Zwehl with new writing by psychoanalyst Josh Cohen. Cohen’s two texts are interwoven amongst the images, one a critical reflection on light and shadow, the other a poetic tale inspired by the torn photographs.
Soul Machine: The Invention of the Modern Mind
'Soul Machine' takes us back to the origins of modernity, a time when a crisis in religious authority and the scientific revolution led to searching questions about the nature of human inner life. This is the story of how a new concept-the mind-emerged as a potential solution, one that was part soul and part machine, but fully neither.
Symposium-Art and Mourning: The role of creativity in healing trauma and loss
The afternoon will be led by Esther Dreifuss-Kattan, psychoanalyst, art therapist and artist, and author of a new book Art and Mourning: The role of creativity in healing trauma and loss. The afternoon will feature conversations with Jane McAdam Freud, Jeremy Gavron and Fay Ballard, who will each explore how their own losses and trauma has informed and influenced their work. Esther Dreifuss-Kattan’s own work will be on display in the Museum over the weekend of 21/22 May.
Translating Anzieu – Professor Naomi Segal
In this lecture Professor Naomi Segal explores the pleasures and pitfalls of translation, particularly translating psychoanalysis, and introduces the life and work of French psychoanalyst Didier Anzieu.
Sigmund Freud’s 160th Birthday honoured with Google Doodle
Sigmund Freud has been honoured with a Google doodle to celebrate 160 years since his birth.
Confronting the Catacomb Saints: Death & the Camera in Palermo
Iain Sinclair introduced by Michael Molnar - a 30th anniversary event
Makers and scribblers: explorers of desire, fear and everything in between
Join artists Oona Grimes and Rachel Goodyear, Freud Museum London Director, Carol Seigel and Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Psychotherapy Dr Cleo Van Velsen, as they explore the artists’ work in the context of both the Freud family home and the Tall Tales touring exhibition programme.